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Álagavefur / Spell Weaving

„Weavers can´t use the spells that already exist in books, so they must weave their own.“ Made from handspun yarn (wool and horse hair) and farm debris like recycled baler twine, horsehair, random cut offs, feathers, the afterbirth of a mare. Approx. 210 x 120 cm each:
“Skin”, “Earth” and “Wings”,  3 works made for the exhibition Textílfélagið 50 ára, 50/100/55 at Hlöðuloft, Korpúlfsstaðir, 2024.

Curator Ægis Zita: 
the weave. 
The weave is not a violent act.
It is an act that requires methodology, patience, focus, accuracy,
tenderness, labour, inventiveness
(these nowadays receding existential qualities).
The weave thus makes the thread personal, bodily, earthly.
The weave is a very particular approach to movement,
matter and hence to nonmatter, presence and absence.”

Sýningarstjóri Ægis Zita: 
Vefnaður er ekki ofbeltisfullt athæfi.
Til að vefa þarf aðferðafræði, þolinmæði, einbeitingu, nákvæmni, mildi,
vinnu og frumleika (tilvistarlega eiginleika sem nú á dögum eru í undanhaldi).
Þanning gerir vefurinn þráðinn persónulegan, likamlegan, jarðbundinn.
Vefurinn er mjög nákvæm nálgun að hreyfingu og efni og þar af leiðandi að efnisleysu, nærveru og fjarveru.”